The Ranch is proud to be called a Holistic Resource Managed Ranch, which depends on a partnership of landowner Jim Reed and JReed Estate participants, hunters and friends who have access to the land, and governmental and non-governmental organizations. The landowner feels that this type of operation is the way to sustain healthly land and share resources for generations to come!
The two primary governmental entities that are involved with ranch management are the Wetland Reserve Program conservation easement (JReed Wetlands Preserve) managed by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) - Department of Agriculture - and through the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department's Level III Wildlife Management Certification.
More information on Holistic Resource Management can be found by logging on the website of Holistic Management International. This non-governmental, worldwide group of ranchers, ranching associations, governmental and other non-governmental organizations is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Management decisions are made according to the process for construction of 3-part holistic goals and following the seven holistic management testing questions for decision-making. The Reed Family Ranch Holistic Goal is shown below:
Quality of Life
the creation of things that are meaningful and fun for us and those we care about; and the production of opportunities for others to have more meaning in their lives
association with open-minded people with fresh ideas and creative thinking processes
the building of a healthy environment for ourselves and others in terms of physical fitness, spiritual growth and healthy relationships
freedom to work with only those who are healthy to be around
(no jerks allowed)
the opportunity to enjoy a beautiful peaceful setting with clean water and air
learning and developing from a personal standpoint, so we can contribute to our society and to our environment
offering a hunting experience which is diversified and well-organized, reputable and friendly for both club member hunting and other types of hunting; with
well-communicated rules and management information shared with other hunters to provide a safe responsible hunting experience
the designation of ranch areas such as wildlife habitat and hunting spots, with aesthetic and social areas being given special attention
perception of the ranch reflecting our values and quality of life standards
Forms of Production
use the ranch as a learning laboratory to build, organize and create useful things while focusing on learning, developing a spiritual connection with nature and personal growth
share the ranch with others who enjoy the same things we do
use the ranch to pursue activities that enhance physical and mental growth
insure that partnerships and networking relationships are enhanced
allow others to take on responsibilities in return for their use and enjoyment of what the ranch has to offer
provide fun and enjoyment opportunities with little to no risks; with safety as a primary focus
produce an aesthetically pleasing environment that provides open spaces, solitude, clean air and water
strive to continually improve things for fun and added value to the ranch
focus on improvements and maintenance
use a calendar to schedule activities to keep everybody informed
use annual budget planning
use email and website for efficient communications
use photos for hunting and recreational enjoyment and also for monitoring the health of the ranch
make healthy decisions and choose best practices in line with our values; while settling disagreements in a healthy spirit of cooperation and good-will
focus on a cooperative open-minded attitude which moves us toward the overall goals of the ranch
Landscape Description
Overall Environment: atmosphere of learning, healthly relationships and spiritual growth; creation of meaning in our lives and in the lives of others
Bottoms and Pasture Areas: maintain the natural beauty of the wetlands and wildlife habitats; natural, sustainable areas with a minimum of technology used
Wooded Areas: healthy and sustainable from both a forest health and wildlife management standpoint
Hill and Pasture Areas: soil surfaces will be covered with a mixture of grasses, forbes and shrubs. Areas of brush and forest will be maintained to support a diversity of wildlife. Capture of solar energy will be high and use of water resources will be efficient
Hunting and Fishing Resources: healthy wildlife and water resource habitat; safe hunting and fishing with designated wildlife habitat management areas; sustainable lakes and ponds for fishing and recreation
Camp Site: sustainable and low-maintenance, clean and orderly, rustic and comfortable with both private and social areas; orderly maintenance and upkeep of camp area
Wetlands Habitat: healthy water distribution, movement and quality; with periodic or continuous water saturation of soils and vegetation at or near the surface of the land
Ranch Environment: healthy, fun stewardship opportunities for ourselves and others who have similar interests